Brand Protection PR Tool™: The Proactive Approach to Crisis Management
We all know how important it is to safeguard your brand against potential crises. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce our proprietary forecasting system - the Brand Protection PR Tool™. This innovative approach is designed to help you protect your brand and maintain your thought leadership position in your industry.
During a 2-day session with our Silver Anvil award-winning team, we’ll help you anticipate, analyze, and respond to potential crises. Using our proprietary scoring tool, we'll identify and prioritize the most critical crises you may face.
Day 1 - C-Suite members meet to focus on identifying the most likely scenarios. Once we have a list, we use the Brand Protection Tool™ to identify the top 1-2 crises that you are likely to encounter in the next 3-6 months. (2-4 hour session depending on the number of participants)
Day 2 - C-Suite members craft a comprehensive crisis responsibility plan, evaluate roles, build teams, and then receive media training for handling potential crises. (4-hour session)
Deliverables include:
- Holding Statement
- Basic messaging
- One-page Crisis Checklist
- Crisis communications considerations for internal and community audiences
- Step-by-Step plan for the first hours of the crisis
- Media training for up to 6 people ($8,500 value)
The Brand Protection PR Tool™ is your proactive approach to transforming crises into opportunities, protecting your brand's reputation, and ensuring enduring success.
Invest in the Brand Protection PR Tool™ for $15,000, plus travel expenses for two M&C team members.
Don't wait for a crisis - take action today. Contact me at 720-273-0927 or to schedule your session.
Together, let's take your crisis and turn it into an opportunity to build your brand.